29 October 2009
Autumn Concerts 2009
Melanie Johnston graduated from Queen's University with a BA (Hons) in Music and French, studying voice with the late Irene Sandford and previously with Margaret Smyth. She completed an MA in Opera Studies before completing her PGCE in Music at UUC. She attended the Royal Irish Academy of Music, studying voice with Susan Murphy and currently studies with Aubrey McClintock.Melanie has had the opportunity to perform as guest soloist with some well-known choirs in Northern Ireland including Grosvenor Chorale, Phoenix Belfast and Ballyclare Male Choir Voice Choir. She was soloist at the Belfast High School 150thAnniversary Concert in 2004, performing Vivaldi's Gloria. Having previously taught in Banbridge Academy and Wesley College, Dublin. Melanie is currently Head of Music at Laurelhill Community College, Lisburn.
Emma Gibbins Began her musical career as organ scholar at Pembroke College, Cambridge, subsequently held the post of organ scholar at St. Martin in the Fields, Whilst studying for a PhD. Following a year working at Southwell Minster, during Which time she was awarded the ARCO diploma, she completed the MMus course at the Royal College of Music in London, studying organ with David Graham and harpsichord with Robert Woolley. Emma was Director of Music at All Saints Parish Church in High Wycombe, Associate Organist at St. Sepulcher-without-Newgate, the National Musicians 'Church in the City of London, Director of a newly formed Girls' Choir at Brentwood Cathedral in Essex and accompanist of the South West London Choral Society.
In August 2008 she took up the position of Director of Music at St. George's Church in Belfast. She has played harpsichord and organ with the Ulster Orchestra and also teaches organ and piano in Belfast and Armagh.
07:38 | Permalink | Comments (0)
20 October 2009
A representative from DVCA attended the CALOR Village of the Year Awards 2009.
Many villages from throughout the province entered the various catagories within this programme but there were only 7 winners in total.
Each of the finalists' projects were described by the chairman of the Voting Panel.
It would seem that any one of the entrants in any of the sections could have been winners but in each case an overall winner was identified and carried off the prize.
In all cases the projects which had been submitted seemed to have made a huge impact on their communities on whose behalf they were submitted. It was evident that the work done by the individuals in the various villages in pulling together their bids was well worth the effort in improving the quality of life to many people.
The winners were as follows:-
School Award...St Colmcilles & Cumber Claudy Primary Schools, Claudy
Building Community Life .....Portaferry
Young People ....................Toombridge
Older People......................Cushendun
Overall Winner Calor Village of the Year 2009...........Ahoghill
(Highly Commended ... Cushendun)
17:15 | Permalink | Comments (0)
19 October 2009
Doagh Village Community Association and Burnside and District Community Group
A jointly run Hallowe'en Party has been organised for FRIDAY, 23 OCTOBER 2009 in the TORRENS HALL.

For Toddlers and up to 6 Years ............... 6.30 - 7.45pm
For Older Children, 7 - 11 Years.............. 8.00 - 9.00pm

As well as the usual Party Fare there will be a Fancy Dress Competition and a Guest Magician.
Admission is £1.00

16:57 | Permalink | Comments (0)